Thursday, April 10, 2008

home health and hospice

sorry its been a while. i started orienting to my new job last wed and have been working since (besides the weekend) i'll be orienting about 3 days a week, pretty much until i feel ready to be on my own. it has been great! i work with some amazing people and they all LOVE their jobs! they're so encouraging and helpful. the orientation isn't very organized..... but its home health and hospice so i just go with the other nurses and experience everything they do. some of the hospice stuff is hard, but you get so close to the families and they really grow to love and trust you! and with the home health, i've seen all kinds of patients from a week old baby with spina bifida, to old men with diabetes and foot wounds with wound vacs on. i've actually seen a lot of those wound vacs and did a whole wound vac dressing change on my own yesterday. it'll take a little while to get used to all the paperwork and the different forms. but this is amazing compared to orienting to bryan - the hospital. of course i was just out of college and orienting to all of nursing there, besides the fact it was so fast-paced and stressful. jordan is so excited because he sees that this is a great fit for me! so i just keep thanking the Lord. because it was completely all Him! these kind of positions don't come open very often and i happened to be just in time! the Lord is really taking care of us!

we are in a winter storm warning through tomorrow and its snowing like crazy! we're supposed to get 4-8 inches! yesterday after work jordan and i ran into northplatte - got some stuff at menards and stocked up on groceries at walmart! so atleast we have food while we're stuck in this snow storm.
we got paint supplies and looked at the flooring at menards! i think we'll be able start working on our house next week! i can't wait!!!! i'll have to be posting pictures in the next few weeks/month!

ok and guess what - we don't wear scrubs at work! we wear khakis and things like that that are dressy but easy to wash!


zadie&phoenix said...

Liz, I'm SOOOO glad that this job seems like such a good fit for you! Love you sis.

Martha said...

ok, as i read this, i'm thinking, "this sounds just like me!" i'm so glad that you like your is too short to go to work everyday at someplace you don't like, you know! i start my new job on monday with the health department here in denver in one of their women's clinics....i hope i don't wear scrubs either :) i really like keeping up with you through your blog by the way!

Alisha said...

Sounds like a perfect fit for you! How exciting!

Martha said...

about the friends column...if you go to (and sign in like you are going to make a new post) then under LAYOUT, add a page element and you can put in the name and website, easy as that!

Alisha said...

I saw that you guys had some crazy weather! Is it back to "normal?" Jake's parents drove down to LR to surprise us and then spent the weekend with us. We had a good time. Jake's so glad to be done studying - he won't know for 2 months if he passed; if he didn't he likely won't take it again until next April. Is your job still going well? Getting more use to the flow of things?