Thursday, March 13, 2008

leap year baby!

i got to spend a week in colorado with my sis and her family! my nephew, phoenix was born on february 29th! i got to spend a lot of time taking care of my 18 month old neice, zadie - waking up with her @ 6-6:30 every morning, having breakfast together, changing diapers, filling juice cups, visiting mommy, daddy, and baby brother in the hospital, playing and laughing! my brother and i completely cleaned their apartment while they were in the hospital so it was nice to come home to. it was so much fun to help out, hang out, and see my sweet neice and nephew! man i love those kids!!!!
here's a few pics of the precious ones!

one of my sis, naomi, and i!

1 comment:

zadie&phoenix said...

Zadie misses her Auntie Liz!