i got up with jordan this morning and went with him to work to ride in the tractor with him. it was all great until a disc broke and we had to haul everything back to their shop. it was fun while it lasted and i'll have plenty more opportunities to do that coming up with planting!
i just back last night from 3 days in kansas with my parents. my aunt and uncle and cousins from wisconsin were on vacation and stopped there to spend the night and hang out a little. it was fun to catch up with them! then my brother came and i got to spend some time with him on thursday before i left. it was a hard goodbye though, as he just joined the ARMY and flies out to kentucky on tuesday for basic training.
the time is getting closer and closer when we will get to move into our new place! we have some paint color and carpet decisions to make and a little work to do first. but i can't wait to have our own place! grampa's place is truly a blessing - but we had all those plumbing problems, the dryer quit working and now the washer, and there's only so much organizing you can do to make the place put-together when we're living here temporarily. so i'm excited!
oh and i start orientation at work next wed. - fri.
thanks for your prayers, my little neice, zadie, is pretty much all better now and what a miracle, newborn pheonix didn't get sick!
please pray for my brother, dave, with the whole new Army thing
my other neice, susanna, is still having a horrible time sleeping @ night and its not easy on mom, julia, either. (susanna is 5.5 months old)
please pray for my friend, jamie, as she is in her last 6 months of a 2 year trip in the middle east.
thanks guys! hope you have a great weekend!!!